Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cute Lil' Fathy

OOT niy gals..... out of topic!

Kali niy, Miss ga lagi ngebahas tentang materi pelajaran kita or portofolionya kamu...but, I really want to share about my lil' girl, Fathy...

YUp! Alhamdulillah, ga kerasa banget yah kalo Fathy sekarang dah makin gede ajah... pipinya...amboi..kalo kata orang Malaysia yg sempet mampir ke blognya Fathy sih.. pipinya gebu..alias gembul...gembil..or tembem..alias chubby gitu kali yak!

Di usianya sekarang yang dah 1 taon 2 bulan 3 minggu 4 hari (duh lengkap banget!), Fathy lagi seneng2nya meniru orang-orang disekitarnya... niru Umminya...niru Abinya... plus niru sgl macam yg dia liat bergerak di inet... dia paling suka banget niruin gaya monyet-monyet pada geleng-geleng kepala nyanyiin lagu A-B-C or gayanya si Panda lagi lari-lari sambil nyanyi...I can run....I can run...hehehehehe...plus komat-kamit nyanyi ga jelass... hihihihi..kebayang kan Gals! Pipinya yg gebu td jadi ikut goyang-goyang juga.... :P Trus...gimana yah gaya Fathy kalo lagi niruin Ummi or Abinya.... Ups! rahasia lah.... :D

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lesson 48. Do you like tea? Do you want a cup?

TOPIC OF THE DAY : Do you like...? Do you want...?

Ayustin : Do you like cold tea, Novi?
Novi : Yes, I do.

Ayustin : Do you want a bottle?
Novi : Yes, please, Ayustin.

Ayustin : Do you want candy?
Novi : No, I don't. I do
n't like candy.

Exercise 1. Do you like ...?
Do you want...?

Student's Work

More than 20 students don't like Barbie... (hmmmm)
Dila likes jack fruit, but she doesn't like grape... (hohohohoho...)
(reported by Ms. Wied )

Friday, November 28, 2008

Dragonfly! The Flight Machine

Do you see the dragonflies fly over the banner above??? Here is the story about dragonfly, The Flight Machine!!

It is possible to see dragonflies many places where water exists. If you know this insect, you might have already seen that it moves very fast and that it can make very sudden and sharp manoeuvres. But for those who are not familiar with it, let's have a look at this insect.

The appearance of a dragonfly resembles a helicopter. This insect has such a perfect talent for flight that regardless of the speed and direction it is flying in, it can suddenly stop and fly in just the opposite direction, to such an extent that it may remain suspended in the air and wait in the proper position to attack its prey. This is thanks to its wings, which it can flap very fast. When it is in this position, it can make a swift turn and head towards its prey. In fact, these are merely a few facets of its manoeuvrability that have been sources of inspiration for mankind in the construction of helicopters that are the products of today's advanced technology.

The body of a dragonfly has a ringed structure that gives the impression of its being covered with metal. A dragonfly, whose colour may vary from ice blue to claret red, has two pairs of wings on its back, one being at the front and the other at the rear. While flying, the two front wings move up as the two rear wings move down.

Sikorsky helicopters were produced in today's technology by taking this particular form of the wings of the dragonfly as model. First the picture of a dragonfly was loaded onto a computer. Considering the dragonfly's manoeuvres in the air, 2,000 special drawings were made. At the end of this study, Sikorsky came up with its new and very strong model with its advanced mobility, meant for transporting soldiers and supplies.

Have you ever noticed dragonfly's eyes? Dragonflies have perfect vision. The eyes of the dragonfly are considered the best insect eyes by scientists. A dragonfly has a pair of eyes, each one of which contains about 30,000 lenses. These eyes, which look like two hemispheres and cover half of the insect's head, provide a broad field of view. Consequently, even its back is virtually within the dragonfly's range of vision.

These are merely a few of the features of dragonflies, described very briefly. Suppose that any one of these features of the dragonfly, say the particular type of wings, did not exist. Could this insect then make sudden maneuvers and catch its prey? Or, if it did not have eyes that enabled it to see in every direction, could it manage to escape from its enemies?

The absence of any of the systems that a dragonfly possesses will give rise to a dysfunction of other systems. Yet, the dragonfly was created completely with all of its systems. Allah created the dragonfly perfect, like all other creatures, and it is thanks to Allah's creation that this insect lives at ease.

Taken from www.harunyahya.com

Parents, here we are..

Students learn best way when they are given the opportunity to reflect on their work, portfolio or document what they have learned, and share their accomplishment with others. At SMP Ar-Rohmah Putri "Islamic Boarding School" Malang, the students can maximize these opportunities though our Classroom Blogs. This will also be a place where we share anything about the lesson. The best thing is the parents are expected to read and know about their daughter's work regularly, to actively participate in their daughter's education from home. Feel free and enjoy reading about what our students do everyday, and catch the best momment at SMP Ar-Rohmah Putri "Islamic Boarding School" Malang.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

visit our school and enter the classroom

Welcome to our lovely school, SMP Ar-Rohmah Putri"Islamic Boarding School". You can enter our classroom and find some joyfulness atmospheres there. Our innovative curriculum combines demanding National Academic contents and Ulumuddin curriculum based on Tauhid. We're really concern about adab and akhlak that suit with our goal, to prepare the best Muslimah Generation as the agent of change in Islamic Way.

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